Podcasts: Favorites of 2023

2023 Integral Podcast favorites

pod·cast /ˈpädˌkast/

noun. pod·​cast ˈpäd-ˌkast. : a program (as of music or talk) made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet. podcast verb. (thanks, Merriam-Websters!)

This is the time of year when people, publishers, and organizations are releasing or have released their top podcasts of 2023.

Guess what’s coming?! Yeah, you got it. Integral team members share some of their favorite podcasts– and why. But we didn’t rank ‘cuz we like ’em all.

Our favorites

We have a yen to keep learning as professionals

The world of work is forever changing. Keeping in touch with other thinkers and communications trends helps keep us stay sharp, interested, and in-tune with what organizations need. We understand business problems and how crucial employee engagement and experience are in delivering business outcomes.

I’ve recently been listening to the Creative Agency Account Manager podcast by Jenny Plant. Her interviewees have a ton of practical advice as well as empathy for their clients and teams. I learn a lot and feel seen!

More than one. A whole list: 20 AI Podcasts to Learn More About Artificial Intelligence. People need to find the ones they can learn best from.

Most listened to podcast this year: “Hard Fork” informative and enjoyable conversations about current tech issues. The two hosts, Kevin Roose and Casey Newton bring a human element to a subject that is distinctively not.

The Angry Designer Podcast: A No-Bull Graphic Design Podcast that cuts through industry jargon & nonsense, to help frustrated Graphic Designers survive and thrive.

PodCatalyst: The Official Podcast of The International Association of Business Communicators (yes, proud member here) Top communication professionals around the world weigh in on current and relevant topics. Also, being a word nurd, A Way With Words – a fun & chatty podcast about the English language.

We’ve got wide-ranging interests

Getting a fresh perspective from outside our usual day-to-day work motivates, inspires, and refreshes us. Each new idea and perspective offers unique and invaluable information.

For a fun, decompressing podcast that is easy to listen to while cooking, walking, or driving: Pop Culture Happy Hour by NPR.

I don’t listen to podcasts. (Oh, Charles! I’ve just made you a New Year’s Resolution…)

Throughline on NPR. Ever wonder why things today are the way they are? Looking to better understand phenomena in the present, Throughline uses historical exploration and research to paint a picture of how the past shapes, and has shaped, our present.

If you are a lover of true crime, I definitely recommend “My Favorite Murder with Karen Killgariff and Georgia Hardstark” It’s two comedians reading true crime- takes the edge off the horror, ya know? Also, a professional development podcast, “Mindful Mentoring with Tom Martin.” Hear about how mentoring plays a critical role in our life journeys. A good listen, from one of my mentors!

I got obsessed with the Serial podcast series— I just finished the Coldest Case in Laramie and loved it. The Retrievals was also a great one!

The Knowledge Project podcast with Shane Parrish features experts in their field across countless areas, which also has a video component on YouTube.

Pivot podcast is awesome. Really good take on current financial, political, technical events.

A few more thoughts

Listening to podcasts can expand your horizons in unexpected ways, surprise your curiosity, and let you continue to learn, think and grow. Listening to podcasts is correlated with positive outcomes. A study in the National Library of Medicine even found that listening to podcasts can create a sense of social belonging!

A helpful tip: If you’re thinking about joining the world of podcast creators in your world of work, we have a few ideas, “Five Tips to Ensure Your Employee Podcast Is a Huge Failure.

An invitation: Think an Integralista has the know-how and knowledge to be a guest on your podcast? We have been and would love to do it again. Let us know.

A request: What are your favorite podcasts–and why? Let us know. Leave us a note on our LinkedIn page.

Bye for now!

Integralistas are taking off from now until January 2nd. We’ll be hanging out with family, friends, and pets. We’ll be listening to podcasts, skiing, hiking, eating, drinking, relaxing, refreshing and a bunch of different stuff. And, when we reunite, we’ll share stories of adventures, new ideas, and be ready for a banger 2024!

Kari E. McLean
Senior Manager, Content & Marketing
As a marketing communications professional with a theater background, Kari coaxes ideas into reality through collaboration.